Friday, June 26, 2009

The Organic Cat Net

Hello everyone,
We are Apollo and Zeus, we are as organic as possible, natural foods, catnip (yummy), treats and love each other lots!

I can not resist but to share my kitties and passion with the world, so here I am. I am a committed ailurophilies (cat people). I bet lots of you you didn't know that term.

After 25 yrs I just recently found it myself. Got to love the net!

I have devoted myself to making healthy and happy cats in this world, help feline companions (that would be us) to communicate and understand them more. I have learned a great deal about them and love my twin Bengals...yes twin brothers (their pic above)!

My roomies have just learned how to open cabinets, oh the joy :)

Looking for quality loves for our kitties is my mission. Feel free to stop by my site, I would love the feedback too! Don't leave me hanging fellow cat lovers...PURRRRRS to all who share


1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th of July forn Apollo & Zeus. We just got in from a great morning out on the patio, LIFE IS PURRRRFECT !
